Wrap Pack, born from MYUUA, debuts

MYUUAから生まれた、Wrap Pack(ラップパック)がデビュー
Wrap Pack, a new brand created by MYUUA with the concept of "traveling with your lustrous soul," has debuted.

This is a new type of carry case with a lineup of card cases, pen cases, pouches, etc.

It is highly fashionable with its unique color variations typical of MYUUA, and also features a texture that utilizes packaging materials.
It also serves as a shock absorbing material and is highly functional.

Great for use as stationery, for everyday use, or even as a travel companion.

From now on, we plan to update the latest news such as new product information and store information on the official website and Instagram.

Wrap Pack official website

■Click here for Wrap Pack product list

■At On 50 Instagram

We look forward to working with you in the future.